The Reticular Activating System: How to Use Your Mental Power to Find Healing, Joy & Gratitude

The reticular Activating System is a little-known mental power that we all have!


In this video, I share what the reticular activating system is, how it works, and how to use your mental power to find healing, joy, and gratitude.

I know it can be difficult to find things to be grateful and joyful about during these stressful times, so I've shared the tools I use to find gratitude, joy, abundance, and healing. It might feel a bit unnatural as you begin these practices but I encourage you to stick with it for 30 days and see what happens!

Let me know in the comments if you give these tools a try, and please hit subscribe on YouTube if you enjoyed it!

*Disclaimer: This work is for educational purposes, and not intended as medical or mental health advice. I am not a medical doctor and the CDC has not approved of these statements. All views are reflective of my personal research and experience and are not reflective of any brand that I may be affiliated with or that are mentioned in this work. This work should not be taken in lieu of medical advice. I do not claim to diagnose, treat, or cure any illness. This description may contain affiliate links.


The Lyme Ease Mindset Journal

Addressing the mental aspect of healing is so often overlooked, and it is something I wish I had started right from the beginning!

For the first year of my battle with late-stage Lyme disease, I felt so defeated by my symptoms before I even got out of bed. I went into many of my treatments with little hope that it would work. I would lay in bed and scroll through social media and let my mind get wrapped up in everyone else's experiences with Lyme disease... and I felt completely miserable.

That's when I started to cultivate a healing mindset... and everything started to shift.

So, I’ve created The Lyme Ease Mindset journal to help others shorten the learning curve to begin cultivating a healing mindset right away!

This 21-day journal will support you in making a conscious choice to spend less energy focusing on the problems, and start speaking and thinking more about where you are going. Click the button below to learn more and download today for only $17!