The Lyme Ease Mindset Journal

The Lyme Ease Mindset Journal


Are you struggling to find joy and gratitude along your battle with chronic illness?

I know it may seem like a lot of woo-woo non-sense when you hear the advice, but mindset work has been a powerful tool in my healing journey, and it’s something I wish I had started right away!

Many of us are spending heaps of money and time detoxing our diets and environment, but don’t examine the thoughts we chew on all day long…

Studies show just 7 days of gratitude journaling can dramatically lift our overall mood, and my personal experience has backed this up!

Gratitude creates changes so quickly, because of a little-known superpower we all have, called the Reticular Activating System (RAS).

Without the RAS we would be overwhelmed by the amount of information coming through our senses from every direction.

The RAS works as a filter to only allow the things we've decided are important, and the cool thing is we have a lot of control over that.

Think back to the last time you went shopping for a big-ticket item like a specific make/model/color of car. Before deciding to purchase that car you rarely saw anyone driving it. But after you've decided you start seeing that car at every stoplight... that is the reticular activating system at work.

It is filtering for that car.

And it is just as powerful for gratitude.

Start your day by thinking, speaking, or writing out the things you are grateful for, and you will start to notice more things to feel grateful for.

I know it can be a difficult practice to begin in the midst of illness, pain, and stress, so I've created this downloadable eBook to walk you through the tools I use to find gratitude, joy, abundance, and healing.

The Lyme Ease Mindset Journal contains:

  • Tips for setting up an intentional journaling practice.

  • Why daily journaling works.

  • 10-minute guided breathwork meditation

  • 21 days of journal prompts on printer-friendly layout

Working on my mindset was a huge piece of my healing and it is so often overlooked! Here’s what a few have shared about their experience with the mindset journal:

“I really cannot thank you enough. This journal and breathwork have been a great help!”


“I really love this jouranling practice and breathwork meditation! I’ve only been at it a few days, but already feeling a big difference! Thank you for what you do.


“I really started looking forward to these daily journal prompts in my morning routine, and the breathwork really does clear my mind! Thank you!”


If you’re ready to start using your mental power to find healing, joy, and gratitude download your copy of The Lyme Ease Mindset Journal for only $17 today!

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