I’ve created The Lyme Ease Survival Guidebook to educate and empower Lyme disease sufferers.
I know first hand how overwhelming and confusing a Lyme disease diagnosis can feel. There is SO much conflicting information online it can feel impossible knowing where to even get started.
If you are feeling sick, overwhelmed, afraid, frustrated, and confused check out my new book now!

The Lyme Ease Survival Guidebook
Science Based Information
Referencing over 100 peer-reviewed resources to provide in-depth understanding of Lyme disease, and what it takes to stop treating and start healing!
Easy To Read
Written with the neurological and cognitive symptoms of Lyme disease in mind, this guidebook contains easy to read language and layout.
Empowering Steps
Readers will find clarity through the brain fog, headaches and fatigue with easy to implement steps and guidance to take control of your illness and your life.
What took me YEARS to learn is now available to implement into your journey within a matter of hours!

I know how overwhelming it feels trying to understand a diagnosis and treatment options, all through debilitating symptoms, and not to mention… sifting through heaps of conflicting information online.
I wanted to make is EASIER for others.
That’s why I created The Lyme Ease Survival Guidebook, in hopes of shortening the learning curve and save others from making the same mistakes I made.
“I find this book to be such a sacred and cathartic masterpiece!
The teachings in this book far outstretch Lyme disease. These grounding principles can help many people struggling with illness to gain their footing no matter what the prognosis.
A must read for anyone searching for answers on how to take healing into their own hands.”
-Amazon Reader

Readers will learn
What causes Lyme disease and how it spreads.
How you get it, and how to protect yourself from re-infection.
Why Lyme disease treatments are controversial.
Tips on finding a Lyme disease specialist.
Understanding Lyme disease testing.
How to find financial support and help paying for out of pocket treatments.
Lyme disease treatment options and resources.
Tips for symptom management and “Herx” treatment reactions.
Healing mood and mindset techniques.
Lyme expert and peer-reviewed resources in one convenient easy to read book.
The Lyme Ease Survival Guidebook contains clear concise information and simple steps to help no matter how long or how badly you’ve been sick.
Readers from all over the world are taking control of their treatments and finding healing transformations.
Stop the frustration and overwhelm and order your copy of The Lyme Ease Survival Guidebook today!
Buy now in paperback, Kindle, or eBook below.